Friday, January 3, 2020

Managing in a mixed economy Free Essay Example, 2000 words

The setting up of the Workington police station was majorly meant to offer security to the public and private enterprises in the region. The police organization in the area was to be supported by the government to ensure that their performance becomes a success. The success of the police system in Workington also depended on the structures of the English police unit, the process by which the strategies are implemented and the relationship between the police organization and other security providing systems as well as the external factors that influence the state of security of the nation such us religion and education (Courtney, 2002). The strategies cannot be a successful one if the resources required are not available. The Workington police station had to get the resources from the society which included people who worked in the station and helped in various management positions. Information was also part of the resources needed for the success of the station as it depended mainly on the information from the people about the insecurity problem to make a move in stepping up the security of the region. We will write a custom essay sample on Managing in a mixed economy or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The police station also need a strong financial support mainly from the government for fueling the police patrol and investigation vehicles, buying of machines that were important in investigations as well as for paying the supporting staff that works in the station. The managing strategy also included the management of change that occurred as a result of a change of the behavior of the insecurity causing reasons. Business strategy varies in a greater dimensions as compared to the public organization strategy (Courtney, 2002). A business oriented strategy model requires specific fields that when implemented will give rise to the increase in profit of the firm. These fields the mission and targets. A firm may be set with a mission that focuses on the current and the expected scope that entails the present and the expected levels of profit. The business scope covers a wider range that takes into consideration of the product level of competition, the m arket availability of the product and the future expectation of the performance of the product. The objects may focus on the aims that the company resulting from the changes in technology and the availability of the similar products from the firm competitors. Business strategies may be for either the short period or a long tern planning process Strategies concerns of the public sector such as the Workington police station vary greatly from the private firms because most of the government planning are influenced by the political dimensions on which the country is or looking to be in.

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